In late September, a panel of experienced home schoolers from our community got together to offer support to families in new schooling realities. Thank you, Amber Paris, Janice Leary-Jones, and Trish Roberts!

What ever your school year looks like, we have resources to help you learn!
ArtsEducation@Home A curated selection of free arts education resources is listed below by artistic discipline: general art/virtual field trips, visual arts, music, dance/movement, and theater/poetry.
Dav Pilkey @ Home Together we can get creative and have fun with some of your favorite characters from Dog Man and Captain Underpants! Drawing, reading and comic boards.
Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems Join beloved author Mo Willems and start doodling!
Houghton Mifflin Daily Reading Activities Free learning activities, lessons, downloadables, and videos for kids in grades K–12.
Kids Read 2 Kids Kids Read2Kids was founded by Dyslexic and ADHD siblings to bring the joy and confidence back to the struggling reader. Free video-audio books read by kids for kids – filmed chapter by chapter for easy listening. For kids in grades K-12.
Duolingo Free and fun language learning website with 38 languages for ages 6 to 100 years old.
Kanopy Kids Offering 11 language learning videos with captions for the youngest language learners in your family. Accessible with your library card.
Mango Self-paced online classes in over 70 languages. You can connect to Mango using your library card number.
MATH Free tools, courses and manipulatives to make online learning more interactive and engaging than ever before.
Cool Math Games Free online brain-training site for everyone where logic & thinking & math meets fun & games. Math lessons and fun math activities for ages 4 -100 years old.
Khan Academy Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and personalized learning that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. Includes math, science, computing, history, art history, economics, and more, including K-14 and test preparation (SAT, Praxis, LSAT) content.
Koo Koo Kangaroo & Go Noodle Get your silly on with body awareness brain break videos for everyone including parents working from home.
Bok At Home Free downloadable fitness activities that can be used at home, with just one or a few kids, minimal equipment needed.
Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center (BEEC) BEEC is offering three different kits for families to take home and use as well as Nature Explorers Activities, online ideas for families. Custom programs available on request.
Flame Challenge A competition for scientists judged by 11 year olds on their explanations of a scientific topic hosted by Alan Alda. Search Youtube for Flame Challenge.
Scientific American – Bring Science Home Try fun science activities, which parents and their kids ages 6-12 can do together with household items in just a half hour or less.
Skype A Scientist How cool is this?! Ask a real scientist your real questions!
Vermont Institute of Natural Science VINS supports homeschool efforts with regularly scheduled homeschool programs. Designed by highly qualified Science Educators, these programs will enhance your homeschoolers’ learning experience this fall.
American Ancestors Free, easy-to-do activities that will keep kids entertained and get them thinking about their family history. These exercises are designed to teach critical skills while encouraging kids to explore their personal connection to the past.
National Geographic At Home Quizzes, videos, science experiments, and at home classroom resources for ages 5-12.
Rube Goldberg Download free PDF lesson plans and accompanying resources to help you get started teaching about Rube Goldberg Machines. Easily tailored to all ages and grade levels, STEAM focused lessons support the Next Generation Science Standards.
Southern Vermont Homeschooler’s Website
Amber Paris’ Home School Resource List
Vermont Department of Libraries Home School considerations and resources in Vermont and beyond. Homeschooling Book List for students and parents compiled by the VT Department of Libraries.
Oak Meadow Tips, resources and activities while homeschooling during Coronavirus.
Vermont Public Television Vermont Public Broadcasting System (PBS), DISH Network, and the Agency of Education (AOE) are partnering to support continuity of learning for our students and school communities this Fall. Weekly thematic bundles, with specific episodes highlighted per week by content area and age-level, are available to stream on-demand. These episodes connect to specific resources on PBS LearningMedia and PBS Parents. For grades PreK-12.