Event Series Stitch Together

Stitch Together

Stitch Together A new fiber arts group is forming at Putney Library and you’re invited! Come knit, crochet, embroider, mend or work on any handwork craft in the company of others. The library is cozy and the lighting is perfect for needlework of all kinds! Beginners are welcome! The group will meet twice monthly on […]


Join us for stories, songs and crafts. For young children and their siblings and caretakers are welcome to attend.

Music & Movement

Join Sarah & Stu for a fun, playful, and participatory song circle for children ages 0-5! In this dynamic class, children (and their caregivers) will be invited to sing, play, and move their bodies to the sounds of uplifting American and world folk songs accompanied by guitar, ukulele & mandolin.

Stuffed Animal Sleepover

Bring your stuffed animal to the library for a bedtime story and sleepover party. What kind of mischief will they get into when the library closes? Animals may be dropped off anytime on Wednesday, February 12th and may be picked up anytime on Thursday, February 13th. Each animal will go home with a photo book […]


Join us for stories, songs and crafts. For young children and their siblings and caretakers are welcome to attend.

Canceled – Mending Bee

Do you have a pile of nice wool socks with holes, favorite jeans that would be perfect if not for a rip in the knee, or sweaters with moth holes? Bring your ailing fabric items to Putney Library. Advice and support are always available, but you’ll be the mender of your own items. Sewing machines […]

Read With A Dog

Practice your reading skills with Virgil, our therapy dog volunteer and his human Abigail. All ages and abilities welcome Virgil loves to listen!

William Homestead Reads from New Book

Putney resident William Homestead is an associate professor and is also the author of An Ecology of Communication: Response and Responsibility in an Age of Ecocrisis , and The Active Soul: Emerson and Thoreau on Reform and Civil Disobedience (forthcoming from Mercer University Press in May 2025). He had a long association with the Ometeca […]


Everyone (all ages!) is invited to drop in and sift through our collection of stickers and to create your own sticker journal. If you have stickers you want to share, bring them!

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