Early in the pandemic, one of my meditation teachers used the term “aversive filter” to describe the lens through which we had come to view the world around us–a world filled with virus germs covered in deadly spikes. I also began to notice that many of my friends had stopped making things–books, paintings, songs. How do we remove that aversive filter and re-open to the world, our source of meaning and inspiration?
Join us for a workshop–outside, we hope, on receptivity, creativity and ways to access the mystery. Please bring your masks, hats and scarves and what you need to stay warm, including thermoses of cider. We will experiment with meditation, free-writing, reading out loud and exploring how other artists and writers become receptive.
If you have ANY interest in joining us, please let me know. If the weather is bad, we will have to move to ZOOM, and I want to be able to notify folks as soon as we make that decision. Please send an email with subject line INTERESTED IN LIBRARY CLASS, to michelleblake09@gmail.com. This is in no way a commitment to attend.