Do you like comics? Do you ever make your own comics?
Putney Library would love to help you make your own comics AND swap copies of your comics with other kids!
Step 1: Make some comics! Check out the resources below to help you get started.
Step 2: Drop your comic off at the Putney Library in the library drop box. Make sure your name is on your comic and that there’s a separate piece of paper inside the envelope with your address on it.
Sept 3: Librarians Emily and Julia will make copies of all the comics that kids submit and then mail each kid a package with (1) their original comic, (2) a few additional copies of their comics to give out, (3) a copy of everyone else’s comic AND (4) stickers with your drawing of your characters!
Please get comics to the library by December 18th—Comics packages will be sent out in early January.

Comic Drawing Inspiration and Exercises
Check out books from the Putney Library about drawing, comics and creating your own graphic novel
Exercises For The Young Comic Artist, Center For Cartoon Studies
Free Drawing Lessons with Famous Illustrators
Marek Bennett’s comic activities from the Summer Reading program and beyond!
Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems
Dav Pilkey at Home